Monday, August 26, 2013

broken heart

once again i walk through this lonely road
that is so familiar to me
i thought i found the one i've been looking for
but she is the one who crashes my soul
enough for the broken heart
enough for all the suffering 
and i dont want to be plagued by feeling of missing u
coz it kill me at the end
as i predict it happen failed once again
adding to the existing wounds
love come n go
maybe it was fated that i'll always be alone
apparently my last for it just the same
with the one before her let me live without founding of love 
let everyone know im despair

sejak sejak...

sejak2 ak keje kat skolah ney,depa pakat cakap ak makan gaji buta.
hahahha...biaq p la kat ak..keja senang beb.. dok at tmpat keja online ja..hahaha...
tp tyme bz tu bz la weh..ampa kna la fhm ak keja cmna..
keja ak mcm2 kna pkiaq..nk pkiaq sal budak2 lg,life lg n mcm2 lg la...lg lg dan lg..
tp kat skolah ney cikgu2 memang sempoi ar..sporting habis..
mmg kna ngan kpala otak ak la kan...
baru r geng..hehe..wlaupon ckgu2 laki kat skolah ni ada gak yg hensem,tp ak tetap xtertarik la...
yg menariknya ckgu pmpuan jugakk..hahaha..
lau kata depa ajak ak p makan kat kantin,pergh mmg laju ar..
ada la ak bkenan tgk cikgu sorang uh..
dya cikgu kaunseling..wah,mmg mantap ar..hahaha...
tp dya dh kawen dh...lau ak asa malas nk p skolah,msty ak ingat dya,pastu baru ak p..
hahhahaa...inspirasi utk ak rajin mai skolah la crita dya ney..
bukannya ak tangkap cintan pon ngan dya...haha..
bila ak set mind ak kata ak bminat kat dya,baru la ak jd rajin skit..
lau dak,ak mlas la nk bgun pg mai skolah...rasa berat ja pala ney...haha..
werk werkk!

let me go

One more kiss could be the best thing 
Or one more lie could be the worst 
And all these thoughts are never resting 
And your not something I deserve 

In my head there's only you now 
This world falls on me 
In this world there's real and make believe 
And this seems real to me 
And you love me but you don't know who I am 
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand 
And you love me but you don't know who I am 
So let me go, let me go 

I dream ahead to what I hope for 
And I turn my back on loving you 
How can this love be a good thing 
And I know what I'm going through 

In my head there's only you now 
This world falls on me 
In this world there's real and make believe 
And this seems real to me 
And you love me but you don't know who I am 
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand 
And you love me but you don't know who I am 
So let me go, just let me go, let me go 

And no matter how hard I try 
I can't escape these things inside 
I know, I know 
But all the pieces fall apart 
You will be the only one who knows, who knows 

You love me but you don't know who I am 
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand 
And you love me but you don't know who I am 
So let me go, just let me go 

(you don't know) 
You love me but you don't 
You love me but you don't 
(you don't know) 
You love me but you don't know who I am 

(you don't know) 
You love me but you don't 
You love me but you don't 
(you don't know) 
You love me but you don't know me

complicated life

Assalamualaikumm...jom crita2 jom..
nak habaq ney kat hampa...
macam2 halangan n dugaan dah ak tempuh sepanjang perjalanan ak x berblogging ney..
sedih,hepy,senyum,tawa n semua la ak dh rasa..
xkesah la samada sorang2 atau bersama2 siapa..
macam2 la dh ni hidoppp ak sgt complicated...

taun ney wlaupon complicated,ak bsyukur la sbb ak dpt kerja tetap dgn goverment..
so ak xdak la nk pkiaq banyak sgt sal keja..
ak dh blh tanggung idop ak sndry dh..
n xpyah nk bgantung kat sapa2 dh...
cuma sikit la drpd idop ak,ak kna bgantung dgn ubat2an..
tesion jugak ak lau ak xtelan ubat,xmkn benda alah tu,
mula la nk jd mcm2 kat ak..hahaha..choy!

ade yg tanya at ak,ak saket apa??
camni la...ak saket biasa2 ja k..
cuma lam kpala ak ney ada arah beku..tu saja..
smpai skrg pn ak tkot nk operate..
sbb ak xsgop nk amik risiko...
la ni ak biaq p ja..lantak la nk jadi apa..
ajal maut di tangan tuhan..
taun ney sbnrnya dh kurang skit saket tu sbb dok makan ubat,
taun2 lepas yg xleh blah..trok gak..
makin tua,makin ok kot kan..hehehe...

n pada kawan2 ak yg olwez disisi ak, ak nk ucapkan
 thank you so much la sbb slalu ada ngan ak 
tyme susah n sng..
grasias oke darling.. be continue.. 

long tyme no see

perghh...mmg dah terlalu berhabuk n dah bersawang dah blog ak ney...
tanpa sedaq dh nk dkat setaun ak xupdate blog ney..sebab pe makin usang blog ney??
sbb ak xde msa la nk update..xdan nk tumpu dekat blog ney..
sbuk kje la katakan..
by da way ak rindu gila nk menulis semula..
sbb banyak sgt ak nk luahkan ape yg tsirat n tsurat dalam blog ak ney.. 
makin lama makin bnyak plak story yg terpendam kan...
tyme dh xde sape nk luahkan prasaan,blogla jd mangsa aku..hahhaha...